Home Improvements 6 Landscaping Trends That Can Help Increase the Value of Your Home Sure, location is important, but the three Ls in real estate are landscaping, landscaping, and landscaping. SAM SHALOM The following is a guest post by Zach Edwards Sure, location is important, but the three Ls in real estate are landscaping, landscaping, and landscaping.Whether you’re thinking about putting your home on the market or just want to […]
Home Improvements Home Renovations That Offer the Best ROI for Resale Renovations That Add ROI GUSTAVO GONZALEZ Looking to make some upgrades and wondering which will have the biggest pay off? If you guessed kitchen and bathrooms, you’re spot on. Another good one is landscaping. Whether they’re big or small, a few upgrades can pay big dividends when it’s time to sell your home. Follow these […]
Selling Your Home Tips for Home Sellers Directly from the Experts Coldwell Banker-affiliated agents offer their best tips to home sellers ATHENA SNOW We know that selling a home can be stressful, especially for first-time home sellers, so we gathered five Coldwell Banker-affiliated agents from across the country to offer their best tips for getting the most out of selling your home. Our “Guiding You Home […]
Home Buying Wedding or Homeownership? Unmarried Americans Would Prefer to Invest in a Home, According to Coldwell Banker Survey ATHENA SNOW MADISON, N.J. (November 17, 2021) – Americans pressed pause on many milestones in 2020, but in 2021 they reignited plans to buy and sell homes. The real estate market is strong according to the National Association of Realtors® and homeownership is top of mind for Americans. In fact, 82% of unmarried Americans would rather invest […]
Home Buying Two-Month Moving Checklist Follow this two-month checklist to keep your move on track. GUSTAVO GONZALEZ The following is a guest post by Laura McHolm, Chief of Organized Living & NorthStar Moving Company Co-Founder    The pandemic stay-at-home protocols forced us to reevaluate our homes and where we live. Questions about our home size, needing a home office long term […]
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